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How Can We Help?

Special education services

While it is our belief that most Special Education needs can be met by the inclusion of the student in the general education classroom, students will be provided appropriate instruction as determined by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team.

All services at ASU Preparatory Academy will be provided in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

When the student’s teacher and/or parent suspects a disability, the pre-referral process will be initiated. If the pre-referral process leads to the need for evaluation, the parent will be informed in writing before an evaluation takes place.

After a student has been evaluated, a multidisciplinary evaluation team (MET) meeting will be conducted to determine the student’s eligibility for special education services. Team members include the classroom teacher, school psychologist, special education case manager, school representative, parents and any involved related service providers. Based upon results of this meeting and evaluation, an IEP meeting may be scheduled and an IEP may be developed by the team, which includes the parents and student when appropriate. Our primary goal of services is to fully include students with special needs.

In compliance with IDEA 2004, ASU Preparatory Academy is notifying parents of the availability of special education services for students aged 3 years through 21 years old. Procedural safeguards are on our website (English VersionSpanish Version) or are available upon request. To access services, contact the school site.

For more information about special education services, contact your school site or the Director of Special Education, Janet Holt at or call 480-965-8015.

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