Innovative Academic Model
The curriculum for grades 9–12 includes discussion-based classes, high-quality, self-paced online lessons, small-group tutorials and peer tutoring. At Khan World School academics are are self-driven and self-paced in a mastery-based model. Much of the learning and assessment happens through in-depth discussion with teachers, peers and industry experts.
In this advanced college-prep program we have high expectations for our students and require them to work independently and collaboratively, helping others in the school community succeed.

Raising Academic Achievement
We measured the learning growth of our students from the start of the 2022-23 school year to the mid year using a national benchmark test.
The average KWS@ASU Prep student demonstrated:
- 5 times the typical growth in Math
- 3.5 times the typical growth in Reading
- 4.8 times the typical growth in English Language Arts
This collaborative learning experience is one of the core components of the Khan World School academics and very unique for a virtual school program. Students gather with their learning guide and peers several times each week to discuss, debate and dive deep into real-world topics. Each student is expected to do some pre-reading and arrive prepared to participate actively in the discussion, sharing their own knowledge, insight and opinions with the group. Students are assessed on their ability to listen carefully to others, think critically for themselves and articulate accurately to their peers. The sessions are student-led but supported by the learning guide and guest experts. Sample topics include:
- Now that we have CRISPr, should we edit germ cells and thus the actual human gene pool?
- Freedom of speech vs. freedom of reach
- Ethical responsibilities of social media
- The science, ethics and economics of life extension
For more information about our mock seminar, please contact Ana Vidaca.
Small Group Tutorial
Inspired by the Oxford tutorial, these KWS academic sessions provide personalized instruction through dynamic discussion that encourages independent critical thinking skills. Students meet in groups of 4-8 with a KWS Guide. They have the chance to talk in-depth about their learning and receive individual feedback on their work. The experienced instructors engage each student and offer targeted support. Students have weekly tutorials in math, science, and Spanish.
Khan Academy Courses
Students work through online lessons using Khan Academy, KWS-designed material, and other resources. Students master the topics with the additional support and guidance of their Subject Matter Guide and demonstrate their learning in live session tutorials and seminars. Students will be eligible to earn ASU credits as part of their experience.
A student plan of study will be specifically designed with their House Guide. This may look like the example below. Each plan will be tailored to the student.
This may look like the examples below. Each plan will be tailored to the student.
- Year 1: Seminar I, English 9, Algebra I, Biology, World History, Spanish I
- Year 2: Seminar II, English 10, Algebra II, Chemistry, US History, Spanish II
- Year 3: Seminar III, ASU English Composition I, ASU Precalculus, Economics/Government, Physics, Spanish III
- Year 4: Seminar IV, ASU English Composition II, ASU Advanced Math Option, ASU Advanced Science Option, Fine Art Credit
Peer Tutoring - Schoolhouse.world
We believe peer tutoring is a key part of high-quality instruction. Students have access to small-group tutoring sessions through Schoolhouse.world, a free online peer-tutoring website. Teaching others is the best way to learn and our students achieve true mastery of material when they become tutors and are able to effectively teach others on the schoolhouse.world platform.
Schoolhouse.world hosts the following for KWS students:
- Special sessions on high-demand topics
- Dedicated office hours
KWS aspires for its students to be extremely well-read. This means having the time and space to read more widely than is typical in a high school experience. We also believe literature should be enjoyed and students should have agency over what they read (with some guardrails from the program to ensure quality and diversity).
The emphasis of our literature progression is less about academic dissection and more about reading, reflection, and discussion. Students read 8-10 books a year and make a video reflection of the book.
Students are expected to produce 10 writing samples per year, from categories such as editorial/review, fictional short story, research paper, literary analysis, persuasive essay, poetry, autobiographical essay (similar to what you may see in college applications). Guides and peers will provide feedback on students’ writing portfolio pieces.
“It was really rough at the beginning because it was my first time getting in-depth feedback on one of my writings with an expectation of revision. It was really difficult for me to alter what I thought was my best writing. After that practice, though, I found that the revisions helped my ideas a lot, and made it much more cohesive. I’ve seen more progress from myself this year than I could have ever expected, and all of the hours of work are absolutely worth it. I can’t wait to start it all again next year.” — Avery, 9th grade student
World Language
We believe that languages are best learned through immersive conversation. Students will participate in frequent conversation sessions with Small Group Tutorials alongside work on their self-paced World Language course.
College Prep & College Credit
Our students are preparing to access the world’s best universities. We not only prepare them to succeed on the application, but also help them hone the skills they will need to excel in university classrooms and careers beyond graduation.
Students will take college entrance exams as part of their Khan World School experience. Students in grades 9-11 will practice and prepare for college entrance exams through either the Khan Academy SAT prep course or KWS-provided Naviance ACT prep. (Note: AZ students are required to complete the ACT exam.)
Students will regularly meet with their guide, who also serves as a college advisor to discuss goals and strategies as well as receive feedback on practice essays and applications.
One of the major advantages of being part of ASU Prep Academy is access to Arizona State University courses and concurrent credit. Students will have the opportunity to earn university credit in high school, accelerating their path to college and saving them time and money when they get there.
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