ASU Preparatory Academy - Family Handbook

Form Agreements

Students walking on the ASU Prep campus

Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement

Receipt for Student Attendance and Discipline Procedures

Student attendance and their actions at school impact their learning. It is important for the entire family to understand the attendance policy and the discipline procedures at ASU Preparatory Academy.

Acknowledgement must be confirmed in Infinite Campus.

If a student’s behavior requires immediate removal from the classroom or school, the student may be picked up, taken home or taken to the parent’s/guardian’s place of employment.

District News and Media Opt Out

Your student may be interviewed, recorded, videotaped, or photographed by the media or school staff for a story in the newspaper, internet, radio, or television. These media requests must be approved by school administration which will assure the best interests of your child and that their safety and rights are upheld. We will be cautious with our practices regarding this issue. Parents/guardians who want their child(ren) EXCLUDED from these activities, must opt out within Infinite Campus in the Student section under RELEASE AGREEMENTS.

Use of Technology Resources in Instruction and Community Involvement Electronic Information Services User

Internet and computer use at ASU Preparatory Academy is provided for students, parents/guardians and other users to conduct research and communicate for academic purposes only as determined by the school. Independent access to network services is provided to users who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right, and entails responsibility.

All administrators and teachers may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure responsible use of the internet and computers; files stored on District servers are not private.

ASU Preparatory Academy has no control over the nature or content of information from other computer systems and disclaims any responsibility to exercise such control. The school is also not responsible for the accuracy or appropriateness of information retrieved, or for lost, damaged or unavailable information.

Each user must:

  • Use the computer technology to support personal education objectives consistent with the goals and mission of the school.
  • Agree not to submit, publish, display or retrieve any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials.
  • Abide by all copyright and trademark laws and regulations.
  • Agree not to release personally identifiable data.
  • Agree not to use the computer to disrupt the use of technology for another user.
  • Understand that the inappropriate use of technology may result in cancellation of permission to use the technology and possible disciplinary action may occur.
  • Report any misuse of technology to administration.
  • Be polite and use appropriate language.
  • Respect privacy and not share passwords.

Student Safety Agreement

As a student at Arizona State University Preparatory Academy, I agree to follow the safety rules listed below while on my way to school, at school, and from school.

I agree to:

  • Cross streets only in properly marked crosswalks
  • Be alert and not distracted by electronic devices and cell phones
  • Behave appropriately on the bus and at bus pick-up and drop-off
  • Use the office phone to call my parents/guardians if I am not going directly home
  • Be respectful of my community
  • Follow the above expectations and I understand that my extended day or activity privileges will be revoked for a violation of this safety agreement

Parents/guardians who do NOT want information released about their children must deny directory information within Infinite Campus in the Student section under RELEASE AGREEMENTS.

Student Surveys, Research Studies and Evaluation

Due to the partnerships and affiliations ASU Preparatory Academy has, there will be times when students will be asked to complete surveys and have the data analyzed and evaluated. The privacy and confidentiality of our students is important; therefore, every opportunity to provide anonymity for each student will be taken.

Whenever appropriate, all stakeholders will be provided with additional pertinent information regarding the participation in the research.


Gaggle uses a powerful combination of technology and human intelligence to review students’ use of online tools and provide real-time analysis of potentially concerning behavior or content. Gaggle alerts school officials during and after school hours if students show signs of self-harm, depression, thoughts of suicide, substance abuse, cyberbullying, credible threats of violence against others, or other harmful situations. With Gaggle, ASU Prep is better equipped to proactively identify students who are struggling, provide support where needed, and foster a safer school environment.

Monitored software includes the following school-issued accounts:

  • ASU Prep Google Drive (Google docs, Google sheets, etc)
  • ASU Prep Google Email ( email accounts)
  • ASU Prep Google Calendar

Personal software and hardware systems will NOT be monitored, including:

  • Personal email accounts including personal gmail account
  • Personal Google Drive accounts
  • Personal hardware (local and/or external)

Use of school-issued accounts for personal use is not permitted and is subject to monitoring to ensure that appropriate and safe behaviors are exhibited. Privacy in communications when using any ASU Prep Digital Accounts are not guaranteed.

Any family can choose to stop using ASU Prep issued accounts at any time. None of these platforms/tools are required components of any course. Families may choose to use personal Google Drive, Email and Calendar accounts in lieu of those issued by ASU Prep. No personal accounts are or can be monitored by ASU Preparatory Academy via Gaggle. Additionally, contact information can be updated within our Student Information System so that communication is sent to personal email addresses only.