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Enroll Today!

We’re enrolling students in grades K–12 for all programs.

Dates to Remember

What's Next?


You’ll create an account. Or login.


You’ll fill out forms.


You’ll upload documents.

You will be asked to choose a school on the enrollment form, so if you don’t already know which school program you’re interested in, please review them below.

ASU Prep Enrollment Dates to Remember

ASU Prep Digital 6–12 Spring Enrollment

  • Registration Deadline for Session 5: 2/14/2025
  • Session 5 New Student Orientation: 3/10/2025
  • Session 5 Classes Start: 3/17/2025

ASU Prep Digital K–5 Enrollment

  • Registration is ongoing
  • New students start on Mondays

ASU Preparatory Academy (Campuses)

  • Still Enrolling for 2024-2025 school year
  • Enrollment now open for 2025-2026 school year

Need Assistance?

Angela Nadeau

Angela Nadeau

Admissions Manager

Toll Free 844-692-3372


Important Information

  • Enroll at ASU Preparatory Academy

    ASU Preparatory Academy is an open-enrollment charter school with several campuses. We do not charge tuition or administer entrance examinations. We follow the admissions requirements for charter schools set forth in A.R.S. §15–184 and 20 U.S.C. §722li(1)(H)1. Based on the strong interest in attending ASU Preparatory Academy, enrollment is based on a fair system which provides a lottery, if necessary, and a waitlist.

    To find out more about ASU Preparatory Academy, we invite you to attend an Information Session. If you have enrollment questions, please email us.

  • Applicant Age Requirements

    Kindergarten students should be five (5) years old by Sept. 1 and First Grade students should be six (6) years old by Sept. 1 of the year in which they wish to enroll.

    Early age students (with a birthday by 12/31 of the school year) may apply for early entrance to kindergarten and first grade. Additional screening required for enrollment. Please contact our registration office for more information.

  • Lottery Procedures

    In the event there are more students who desire to attend an ASU Preparatory Academy campus than there are seats available, a public lottery will be held to determine which students will be admitted and which students will be placed on the waiting list, as well as the order of the waitlist. This is done in accordance with A.R.S 15-184. The lottery is per campus and grade – not all campuses/grades have a waitlist.

    All forms submitted by 12 p.m. on the Friday before the lottery are recognized as lottery participants. Those applicants not meeting the deadline will be placed on a first-come, first-serve basis after the lottery participants. Applicants who are offered enrollment will receive a call with instructions on how to accept the seat and complete registration paperwork. The Lottery for the upcoming school year is held on the 2nd Tuesday of December for all grades.

  • Guardianship Requirements

    All students enrolling must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. If you are the legal guardian, you will need to provide one of the following items:

    • Current Valid Court Order
    • Arizona Court Appointed Guardianship Papers
    • Documentation from Superior Court of Arizona showing the pending court date for your Guardianship hearing. Final papers must be provided within a week of the hearing date.
  • Waitlist Procedures

    K-12 Procedures

    After the lottery has taken place and as seats become available, the next family on the waitlist will be contacted and given an offer of enrollment. Please be prepared to provide the following:

    • Within 24 hours of the contact phone call and/or email, the family will need to advise ASU Preparatory Academy of their interest in accepting the seat being offered.
    • Within 48 hours of accepting the seat, the family must submit all documents listed in the Enrollment Offer email they receive. Once all completed paperwork is submitted, families will receive confirmation of receipt.
    • Students are not officially enrolled until all paperwork has been received and the proper notification from the school official has occurred.
    • Please do not withdraw your child from their current school until all of the above procedures have occurred.

    If the 24 and/or 48 hour deadlines are not met by families, we will recognize this as a decline of the seat offered and your child will be removed from the waitlist.

    New students enrolling with ASU Preparatory Academy after the first day of school must be in attendance within 5 school days of the acceptance of the seat.

  • What constitutes a sibling or what does it mean to have sibling priority?

    ASU Preparatory Academy recognizes the importance of families wanting to have all their children attend the same school. The sibling priority will first be applied to those students that have siblings currently attending ASU Preparatory Academy. To those students who have been offered and accepted a place at ASU Preparatory Academy at the time of Lottery, all remaining siblings will first participate in their own lottery. If the sibling isn’t selected, they will then be placed on the sibling priority waitlist. Recognized siblings of currently enrolled students are given priority by being placed above the general public waitlists. Therefore, when/if a seat becomes available, a sibling is offered the seat first. Although we cannot guarantee seats for all siblings, we do our best to accommodate all siblings first.

    • a full brother or full sister living as one family unit at the same address or living at separate addresses;
    • a half brother or half sister living as one family unit at the same address or living at separate addresses;
    • an adoptive brother or adoptive sister living as one family at the same address foster brother or foster sister living as one family unit at the same address;
    • a stepbrother or stepsister living as one family unit at the same address.
    • children of shared households are NOT siblings.

    Documentation may be requested to confirm sibling preference.