ASU Prep Digital

Getting the ability to work at my own pace and to travel whenever
I would like to thank my my Mom, my Dad, and my sister Avery for helping me through everything. Big thank you to my LSC, Mrs.Thue, for supporting and helping me all throughout highschool.

Meeting new friends
I’d like to thank my mom Stephanie, my brother Justice, and my grandparents Bob and Dale. I love you guys

Attending prom and finally meeting my friends from ASU Prep. It was a fun night and I danced and talked with everyone.
My wonderful LSC Lizbeth Rodriguez, my parents, my community of friends who always kept me motivated, and my cat. And Mr. Livingston who always kept pre-calc and calc class full of energy.

Creating wholesome relationships with my teachers and LSC!
All of my teachers throughout my high school career, my LSC, Tracy Patrum, and my family and friends!
One of the things I did with ASU Prep Digital was take Physics 2, Calculus 3, and Differential Equations all in the same semester. Funny enough, this was my favorite memory. Not because of the struggle I went through, but just from the fact I passed all 3.
My parents have been very supportive my whole journey. Karen Sanderson LSC went through so much trouble to fulfill my college requirements and get me into the next class. My teachers for being so understanding when it comes to grading assignments.
Senior prom
Mr. Romey and Lizzzzz
seeing my grades improve.
Id like to thank my family for helping me with every step of the way. I would also like to thank my math teach Mr. Livingston for being such a great guide/teacher always there to help me and understanding how I learn.
Being Vice President of the Psychology Club.
My Math Teacher Mr. Livingston, and all of my teachers who helped me get where I am today.
Working with my LSC has been amazing. She has been the best support and really helped me through a lot!
My mom, my aunt and my amazing LSC Mrs. Rund!
Making many new friends and memories.
My family, and all of those who have taught me since the beginning of my educational journey.
Ms. Patrum, Ms, Nguyen, my mom and dad
Turning in my last final of senior year
Id like to thank my learning success coach Mrs. H for always helping me
Becoming a peer tutor. Helping middle and high school kids made online school feel more real
My LSC and my parents. Truly I wouldn’t have stayed on top of everything if it wasn’t for them.
My favorite memory is taking my Psychology class with Ms. Carr!
I’d like to thank my family, teachers, and LSC!
Taking concurrent classes which were taught by ASU Professors; the curriculum was very rewarding.
I would like to thank my Mom and Dad for supporting throughout my academic journey.
My favorite memory is receiving the principal list certificate in the mail and being able to make my own schedule to follow.
My family and my LSC (Shelby Jupiter) for supporting me all this time
When I first started I was so excited that asu prep was willing to help me achieve my goals of graduating early and the support I had from my LSC (Christine D’Antonio)
Christine D’Antonio for always believing in me and helping me achieve my academic goals!
It was easy to navigate through my classes
I’d like to thank my teachers and Mr. Romey for reaching out to me often.
My favorite memory from ASU Prep is logging onto zoom every Wednesday for homeroom and being able to see and interact with my fellow classmates.
I’d like to thank my mom. My mom has been there for me through it all. She has no idea how much I look up to her. I’d also like to thank my sisters and brother. They always know how to cheer me up and make me laugh. I’d also like to thank my dad for supporting my choices through it all. With my family, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you!
My favorite memory is finding out that my LSC, Ms. Grant, was able to arrange for me to take 3 concurrent ASU courses in person at the Tempe Campus at ASU.
I would like to thank Ms. Grant, my LSC for getting me into the classes I needed to finish my freshman year of college during high school. I would also like to thank my ASU teachers, especially, Mr. Jaeger, who made government interesting and who encouraged my love of law. And lastly, I want to thank my family for all of their love and support.
Spending time each and every week at ASU West. I loved being part of the beautiful campus, meeting new people and working with the college innovators.
My family, thank you for all of your support. Every one of my teachers, especially Mrs K, Mr Collins, Mrs Morrison and Ms Thue.
Jessa Grant who was amazing!
Meeting new people on campus at my local class
Miss K/Mrs.B and Mr. Collins
My favorite memory was the DBA because it is nice to talk to your teqchers
Ms. Thue
My favorite thing about ASUPD was the flexible schedule and all of the support from the teachers.
I’d like to thank all of my teachers over the years, my LSC (Mr. Henry), and my family.
I’d like to thank my parents for all they do for me.
Great teachers lots of help
I learned so much in all of my classes, especially my English, Science and Guitar classes. My eyes have been opened to the wonders of each industry, the complexities of each respective craft, and how they have innovated our lives for the better. It was so inspiring to learn how much literature has impacted and reflected our world throughout history. Lastly, I loved the rigor I experienced in my French 101/102, Music Therapy and Intercultural Communications Dual Enrollment courses! I am now very fond of the latter two subjects and would love to explore them further!
I would like to thank my mother, mi abuelita, mi tata, my friends, Mrs. Patrum, and all my teachers for being a part of my journey and for our exchange of stories! Thank you to my favorite artists who have uplifted me and nourished my growth as a young adult.
The freedom to travel and train for my sport.
I would like to thank my parents. Thank you for all you have done for me! I don’t get a chance to say it enough and no matter how much I say it I still don’t think it would cover everything and show you my gratitude for all the things you’ve done for me, taught me, showed me, and instilled in me. You’re there for me in the highs and lows, you’ve taught me everything I know about everything. You have each made me a better person in different ways. Your constant, endless love is truly something beyond words that never fails to comfort me when I need it most and give me the strength and motivation to conquer new heights. If I said all the ways I know of that I am thankful for you and love you we might be here all day and even at that there aren’t enough words to express all of my feelings for the two of you. So I’ll do my best with these 6 words; thank you and I love you!
My favorite memory from ASU Prep is being called an exceptional and inspirational student by college faculty regarding my advanced research in quantum field theory.
I’d like to thank all of my family and friends for supporting me through the highs and lows of high school.
I know it sounds weird, but just being at ASU Prep. Since I’m a digital student I had the capability to work for my future, but also give me time to do what makes me me on my own schedule.
My parents, for always supporting me. As well as my friends, Aleks and Echo, and my LSC, Mrs. Jupiter, for always being there for me when I needed them.
The ability to travel and study at the same time.
Ms. Jean, for being one of my best teachers in ASU Prep Digital.
Being able to work at my own pace and really surrounded with great teachers.
I would firstly like to thank God for giving me the strength to finish high school. I would also like to thank my parents and siblings, who I owe the world to. Thank you so much, I love you<3
I enjoyed being on my own schedule and being able to do school work and then do my own thing through out the day
I would like to thank my wonderful parents for being there for me and always believing in me. I want to thank my sisters Eliciana and lilliana for bringing me joy and laughter every day. I want to thank my best friends Allie and Angie for always being there and supporting me when I was struggling. Thank you to everyone who has helped me and brought joy to my life.
Well designed classes
My Mother, MaNessa, for the push… my cousins for the huge support
My favorite memory was when we had a Vision Board Making event where we went on Zoom and we all made vision boards at the same time. I still have my board. In general my favorite memories are when my teachers and LSC would support me and help me when I was struggling the most.
I’d like to thank all three of the LSCs I have had in the last three years. They have always been there for me. I would also like to thank all of my teachers, especially my health & wellness teacher because I took the class when I was going through health issues and she was very supportive. I would also like to thank my parents for always having my back.
My favorite memory is going to the in person ASU experience program and taking university level classes.
I would like to thank my mom and dad for all their support, including my LSC’s over the years I’ve attended.
Support from teachers
Mr.Romey and all my other great teachers
Great teachers
My family
Being called a Physics superstar by my teacher.
At ASUPD, it would be my many teachers, including Precalculus/Calculus teacher Mr. Livingston and my LSC Mrs. Rodriguez! I would also like to thank my family, especially my parents and older sister. 😀
Receiving the Principal’s List certificate in the mail
My mama, my family, my teachers, and my learning success Coach, Curtis Romey.
All the support my LSCs and teachers gave! I am SO SO grateful for all the time they praised my hard work and being so kind.
My amazing parents, my siblings – Sadiya, & Sadeq, my grandmother, and my cousin Farhana for all the support, kind prayers, and love! My uncle and aunt, without whose incredible support I would not be here. My LSCs, Ms. Castillo, Ms. Meeker, and especially Ms. Hlavka for being so kind and patient with me. Lastly, all of my teachers have been so kind and so nice.
It was meeting my LSC, Shelby Jupiter, for the first time in person! She’s guided me thru the hardest part of high school.
I’d like to thank Ms. Jean, Mrs. Morrison, Ms. Nguyen, Ms. Jupiter, for everything they have done for me. I’d like to also thank my family. I couldn’t have accomplished all that I did if it wasn’t for their help.
Having a phone call with my photography teacher and being able to talk about many different things and share personal experiences within the photography field.
My counselor Mrs.Lopez, she is always checking on me and very supportive!
My favorite ASU Prep memory is making lifelong friends in my senior seminar class and talking to them everyday.
I would like to thank my mom, dad, extended family, friends, and everyone who has supported my journey through High school.
Creative Writing
My teachers and advisors
Learning that I was going to have Mr. Mueller for Economics after having him for Government, he is one of my favorite teachers. My first semester earning a 4.0 was really awesome too.
Mr. Mueller, Ms. Jean, Mr. Livingston, Mrs. Vilkin, and all the other ASUPrep teachers that helped me be successful, my amazing LC Mrs. Sanderson, My Mom, and my Sister Meghan
The Physiology & Anatomy class really brought the human body to life! I loved the interactive format, and I found it quite easy to enjoy my coursework!
My Learning Success Coach, Curtis Romey. My Geometry & Algebra 2 instructor, Dustin Domangue.
My favorite memory would have to be getting to know all of my teachers. The DBA’s were so fun because we got to review what we learned in the lessons. Mandarin class was my favorite to look forward to. Also meeting others from different parts of the world.
My mom, brother and sisters, my Tío and Raenalda L Ray. Along with my LSC Ms. Sanderson for being very helpful with everything. Shout out to Ms. Hu my mandarin teacher, you’re the best. My friends Timika, Rainer, Keisha, Diamond, and Taisha.
I loved meeting lots of my classmates at prom in 2022 and am really excited for this years prom. I love attending the live lessons as well.
Karen Sanderson, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Jaeger, Ms. Kadavy, Mrs. Robinson,
I have a couple. I really enjoyed doing the Own it! course in New Student orientation. I learned a lot about myself and it was great opportunity that I could put on my resume. My second memory is having the opportunity to tour ASU tempe campus, that day I decided I wanted to attend ASU and I felt so at home. Right then I realized I made the right choice coming to ASUPD. The memory I will hold with me for a lifetime, is being apart of the ASUPD’s first ever prom. It was an amazing night and I will never forget that feeling I had that night. I met one of my best-friends that night, and i will be forever grateful for him. Another huge memory for me, is being able to apply to the Fleischer Scholars Program. I ended up getting in and it was such an amazing experience. I learned so much, especially that W.P. Carey School of Business offered minors that matched my career plans. This also made another great thing I could put on my resume. My last memory is that I’m very thankful for all the flexibility ASUPD provides. I could participate in so mny things that I could never imagine doing in public school. i was able to find my passions in life and it really helped me grow as a person. I really appreciated the freedom I had to explore myself and the world around me. I wasn’t kept in this tight box. ASUPD changed my life and I’m very thankful I get to graduate from such an amazing school.
I would like to thank my LSC Shelby Jupiter. She was so much more than a counselor or advisor for me. She got me through some of the toughest times I’ve had during high school. She helped me grow as a person and I’m very thankful for her. I asked the questions I was too scared to ask and I advocated for myself, more than I have ever done before. Her encouragement got me to where I am right now. I also want to thank my mom for enrolling me into ASUPD. Definitely one of the best decisions either of us have ever made.
The teachers and my classmates have been fantastic.
All my amazing teachers who have been supportive and helpful. Thank you for caring about us and our future.
The freedom and flexibility to work at my own pace.
Emily Norton and Ms Parsons
My favorite memory from ASU Prep was getting to see each of my teachers in Live Lessons for the first time.
My mom, dad, sister and boyfriend for always believing in me.
My favorite memory is my LSC and teachers who provided encouragement and support that I didn’t receive in a traditional school.
My parents who encouraged and believed in me even when I didn’t.
My forensic science class!
I would like to thank my parents and counselor!
My favorite memories from ASU Prep Digital are my first days of the semester! Getting all of the welcome calls from my teachers and LSC really made me feel connected and part of a community.
I would like to thank all of my teachers and LSC for helping me achieve my goals of starting college my Freshmen year.
I loved DBA’s and getting to know my teachers on a more personal level, I always looked forward to them!
I would like to thank my wonderful LSC’s, Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Norton for being so helpful and encouraging. I would like to thank all of my teachers, shout out to Ms. Jean and Mrs. Nyugen, you guys rock! Finally I would like to thank my parents and friends for always pushing me and being there, I love you.
My favorite memory from ASU prep is all the fun events that would be hosted. I loved how flexible classes were and how every teacher put an effort to make zoom calls fun and implemented fun projects.
I would like to thank my mom and dad for supporting me during challenges and striving me to do my best.
Being able to connect with people from all over the world!
My family for always supporting me in any challenge I choose to take on.
Phoenix High School
meeting mt math teacher
the staff members
One of my favorite memories from ASU Prep was Senior Sunrise. Everyone got up early and met on the field to watch the sunrise. It was one of the highlights of the year. There was breakfast, and my friends and I gathered and sat on blankets, hanging around and taking pictures. Senior Sunrise was a great way to start senior year.
I would like to thank my parents for getting me to and from school, Thank you, Mom and Dad. Thank my teachers for allowing me to be great, Thank you all so much.
My favorite memory from ASU Prep has to be prom 2022, the Wish Upon A Star Dance, and prom 2023. Also the times my friends and I stayed in Mr. Flatley’s and Mrs. Bosch’s room during lunch.
I would like to thank my mom, dad, Maya, Meiklo, Mr. Flatley, Mrs. Bosch, Ms. O’Connor, Ms. Ruhele, and all of my teachers and friends. Thank you all for your support! Couldn’t have done it without you all!
The second to last Volleyball game when we upset a good team
My Friends, Family, and Parents the most
My favorite memoryfrom ASU Prep is my friends.
Mrs. Baskerville
My favorite memory from ASU was when we went to the Tempe Campus.
I would like to thank everyone who was part of my journey at ASU, specially Ms. Baskerville, Ms.Vea, Ms. Rodriguez and Ms. Flores.
My favorite memory was going to football games freshmen year.
My father, mother, and Mrs. Baskerville.
South Phoenix Middle & High School
My favorite memory from ASU Prep was being able to create long lasting friendship with my peers. They have given me so many fun memories that will last a lifetime. Along with making my high school experience memorable.
I would not be where I am today without the care and support of my family, teachers, and God. I give thanks to everyone who have always been their for me and encouraged me to do better in order to pursue my dreams. To all of those special people in my life who were my constant source of energy, thank you for all the love and support through my academic journey. Along with my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Fernandez who made it all possible with her love, help, and support. Thank you!
The start of a new friendship and the people I meet.
Everyone who believes me
My favorite memory is having laughs with my friends.
I’d like to thank my teachers for believing in me and giving me a opportunity to turn in missing work.
My favorite memory will be making rockets during math class.
I will like to thank my family and the teachers.
My favorite memory is going to Circle K and seeing a Supra in a teacher’s parking lot. I also loved the random laughs that came along with actually showing up to school.
MYSELF!!!! Oh yeah, I’d also like to say thank you to Mr. Anaya & VanDyke because now girly is going to college. Actually, thank you to everyone because I genuinely would not be here without you guys. Lastly, a huge thank you to Miss Mills for always believing in me, though I still feel like I don’t know how to do precalc. Somehow she made math a little less miserable (still miserable though, love you!) and gave me the consistent boost I needed to pass.
My favorite memory was when Todd Mcfarlane
Ms Millis, Ms Fernandez, Mom, Dallas, along with my friends
My favorite memory at ASU Prep would probably be messing around with friends during the water day my Sophmore year.
I’d like thank Mrs.Thue because she helped me reach my goal to graduate a year early. I’d also like to thank all of my teachers for grading all my late work.
When I made it to 12th grade
My teachers and the school staff
Ms tahj forsure, Ms rosa. MR Hudson.
My favorite memory from ASU Prep is playing soccer with friends.
I’d like to thank everyone but specifically Ms. Mills and Ms. Fernandez.
my, momma and my teachers, and myself
I think my favorite memory is probably the pie day that student government held in February of my junior year. It was just a lot of fun and something I dont think I’ll ever forget.
Mr. Gibbs, for being a breath of fresh air. Miss. Tendai, for being someone I could turn to and giving me a space to truly be myself. Coach Webb, for pushing me to be everything I thought I would never be able to be.
meeting ana
ana ricardo brianna silvano angel montare
Enjoying the last year with teachers and friends.
I am thankful for God and my mother, Also everyone who helped me graduate.
spending time with friends
My Teachers
My favorite memory would have to be field day and pie the teacher 🙂
I’d like to thank Ms.Fernandez for being a great support system and pushing me to reach my full potential. I’d also like to thank Mahkaylah for making my senior year a memorable and fun one.
Poly STEM High School
Talking to my friends
All the teachers and my friends
Celebrating our team’s hard work after the 2023 Region IV AcDec competition.
My parents, my grandparents, my counselors, my wonderful girlfriend, and every teacher who ever answered one of my questions.
School Dances with my best friends
Chary, Bella, and Javier Jimenez, Keenan Hufancia, Shelby Hernandez, Alyssa Cenzano, Cal Morton, & Phoebe Baird
Probably chemistry class with mr. Delikat
I’d like to thank all of my teachers this year for keeping me motivated and on track. I’d also like to thank all of my friends for supporting me along the way. Finally, I’d also like to thank my family for always being encouraging and supportive.
When I was in-person, in chemistry class. and we finished all our work and got to do other things. and my friend group all laid under the table and listened to music and talked.
Ms.Bereck, Courtney, Brynne, Arie, Devyn, Mom, Nana, Tata, and Ariana 🙂
My favorite memory is joining Fencing Club and learning different forms of swordsmanship from Mr. Pike.
I would like to thank my Mum for supporting me and teaching me to be proud of my choices.
The friends and relationships I’ve made along the way.
My parents, family, my friends, and my teachers.
For the two years I have been here; (Junior and Senior year) it is hard for me to pick a favorite. But if I had to find a memory that stuck with me the most it would have to be the moments when I found that others were truly listening and they were genuine in their intentions to listen. I am not an easily trusting person and to see that there were those who truly cared about what I had to say meant a lot to me. I also recall the different friend groups I have come to know. Whether it be the English group I sat with at lunch junior year, the science group I sat with senior year, or the senior seminar group i sit with now, I can recall the many great interaction I had with them.
I want to thank my parents and the numerous friends who helped me along my two years here.
My favorite memory would have to be when I was able to listen to music while walking around campus.
Mr. Hessinger and Mrs. Wojtalik
Too many to count, but I guess being in Mr. B’s room for class. It’s the best!
I would like to thank the whole Admin for helping me with the English 101 fiasco we had, as well as all my teachers for helping me become a better student!
Meeting new people- even if we didn’t stay friends, it was a good and important experience.
I’d like to thank: Mrs. Purtell, Mrs. Dukes, Mrs. Harmsen, and Mrs. Burquist. They helped me over come a lot of stuff that was going on in my life, and always helped me remember that my life and happiness was worth fighting for.
My favorite memory has been being apart of my Color Guard team for the past 8 years at ASU Prep but also being apart of Student Council for over 3 years. Performing has a very special place in my heart and I hope to continue this sport into College. I have also really enjoyed planning out and hosting different events for the school. I have loved being involved with the student body and running social media platforms to keep the school updated!
I would like to thank my Family, Color Guard team, my High School teachers/coaches, and my best friend Xyrene Semonell for all the ongoing love & support throughout all my 4 years of High school.
My favorite memory was my final prom here. It was really nicely planned.
Mrs. White, Mrs. Cushing, Mrs. Purtel, Mrs. Wojtalik
Meeting my best friend
My mom, sister, my old english teacher Ms. Harmsen, and my friends.
The friends I made starting from elementary.
Best friends, Alyssa S., Brandy M., Gerardo D., and Ryenn S. Also my parents and family that has been there for me along the way
any moment with my friends
Mr H for being our coach for track this year, and Mr Bastert for being an amazing person to teach and connect with students through being a great teacher
My favorite memory from ASU Prep was going to the 2021 homecoming dance. I went out of my comfort zone and made a lot of great memories, and I’m grateful to the friends who encouraged me to go.
Thank you to my parents for all the support they’ve given me throughout my time in school. Thank you to all the wonderful and talented teachers I’ve had over the years. I’d like to especially thank Mr. Barnes, Mr. Bastert, Mrs. Harmsen, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Powell, and Mrs. Purtell. Last, but not least, I want to thank all the great people I met over these last 4 years, especially Olivia Watson for introducing me to such a great group of friends when I was new to the school; especially Jack Wullenweber for making me feel less alone on the first day of school; and especially Rachel Carl for inviting me to the Christmas party.
Joining the Baseball team as a walk on with no experience.
God, My Family, My Friends, Those who doubted me.
Mr.Rowes government/ Econ class when we would chill and watch a movie
When I talked to much in a Socratic Seminar in Mrs. Purtell’s class and was subtly told to talk less so other people could participate.
My amazing teachers and counselor’s, but mostly my parents for pushing me to do my best.
I enjoyed going to high school on a college campus as it allowed me first-hand experience on what college life would be like.
I would like to thank my family for all their support.
I have lots of great memories from ASU Prep, so I don’t think that I could pick just one!
I would like to thank all of the teachers that I have had the opportunity to learn from. Most importantly my mom and grandparents for supporting me through these years and making sure that I am prepared for the future.
It was my first year so meeting all new people who I now know as my friends
I would like to my parents for pushing me and always encouraging me and helping reach this big milestone in my life also anyone else who helped me reach this milestone thank you everyone for all your support
It is hard to pick just one memory from the 8 years of memories. Every memory include the many great teachers and people I have met at this school. There is a different kind of closeness that this school and people in it have.
Most importantly I would like to thank Mrs. Wojtalik aka my mom. She is one of my biggest supporters and has always been there for me. She is the reason I started to attend this school. I would also like to thank my Dad, Sister and my grandparents.
My favorite memories were going on field trips each year.
My family and friends
Meeting my Girlfriend, Tara
Tara Kidd, Andrew Gilbert, Ms. Purtell
My favorite memory that I have from ASU Prep is when I would sit in Ms. Duke’s office after school. She would bribe me with treats, company, and good memories! I always enjoyed staying after and working because I got to hangout with one of my dearest friends!
There are so many people I would like to thank, first my family who has been with me every step and would help me move up. Secondly, I would like to thank the teachers and staff who had to deal with me for 4 years! I couldn’t have made it to where I am without you. Finally, I want to thank Ms. Dukes and Mrs. White. They, countless times, let me sit in their offices after school and work for hours. They made the time fun and bearable. I formed a close bond with them and couldn’t have made it without them. Even though they would say it was all me, I truly believe it was them too. Without them, I wouldn’t walk that stage. Thank you to everyone who has made an impact in my life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Being able to hang out during lunch with my friends.
My friends for being with me for years now and my teachers for guiding me through school.
My favorite memory is student council my junior year, meeting all the amazing people and making so many memories.
My family, friends, all the amazing staff at the school, teachers and the counselors!
Junior year having classes with majority of my friends.
Id like to thank my parents, best friends and my counselor/teachers.
The friends that I met in 9th grade
Parents and teachers and friends
Hanging out with my friends at the GCU basketball game.
I’d like to thank my family for always pushing me to do my best and my friends for helping me through everything.
I can’t remember any specific memories but I do remember the early days of freshman year at lunchtime everyone would always be laughing and just having a good time, times have definitely changed.
The teachers that showed genuine care to help me get ahead in my education, and all of my family members
Junior year prom! Along with meeting so many amazing people and making so many friends!
My family, boyfriend, friends, and teachers!
Making lifelong friends and having endless opportunities through the school
My teachers for giving their time and knowledge in order to make me a better student and overall person. My parents for always sicking beside me and believing in me when times were rough. My friends for making everyday at school worth it. All the smiles and tears we have been made us all stronger in the end. Ms. Dukes for always supporting me and hearing me out when i felt like i wasn’t heard and Mrs. Beaurgist for her positive energy and always putting a smile on my face when i see her
Finding out that my proposal for NASA Techrise Challenge was selected.
My parents
Making so many new friends.
My family.
My favorite memory from ASU Prep was meeting my friends freshman and junior year. I built strong connections and relationships with them. I am excited to make more memories with my friends at ASU!
I would like to thank my parents and my grandparents. They have truly been an inspiration!
Karaoke Tuesdays
My friends for putting up with my nonsense, my family for supporting me, and my teachers for guiding me throughout high school experience.
My favorite memories were when I gave my teachers unfathomably disgusting paintings.
My family, friends, teachers, and anyone I’ve slightly interacted with.
Prom 23’
Mrs. White, Mrs. Wojtalik, Mrs. Dukes and Mrs. Bergquist
ASU Prep Casa Grande High School
The last day of my Junior year when I hung out in Dr. Mark’s room and played Dio and Scorpions on the OneScreen, I’ve never been a science person but Dr. Mark made the classes I had with him worth showing up to.
Ms. Ramirez, Dr. Mark, Ms. Vasquez.
Nothing in particular. Every time I push myself and get to see what college life is like feels like a great experience to prepare me for my future.
Parents, teachers, Barca staff, and all of my sports coaches throughout my life.
All of them
All my teachers
Always being surrounded by your classmates which are also my teammates
God, Family & Friends
My favorite memory from Asu prep is the friendly environment.
I would like to thank the staff and friends who have helped me through this journey.
Watching world cup games in school.
I’d like to thank Mr. Halloway, Ms. Taft, Ms. Flores, and Mr. Whipple.
nothing, mr bell and mrs serna were my favorite.
Mr bell, he was a good teacher and left a good mark on my brain, being funny and showing he isnt a robot.
Don’t have one.
Mrs. Kalvert
Playing soccer with all my teammates on breaks!
Family, Marcus Corbett, Aaron Wheeler, Ivan Militar, friends, teachers, and Gwen Brogley.
Being with my friends
My teachers, family, and friends
Being with friends.
All of my teachers.
Going outside to play basketball during breaks.
Family, Friends, Coaches, Teachers.
Ms. Flores, Ms. Douglas, Ms. Glazier.
Watching world cup in school.
My friends from school and the teachers.
My favorite memory from ASU Prep is from my freshmen year when I was a part of the Student Council and I helped set up a glow-in-the-dark dance. This dance was so much fun! I got to meet and dance with a lot of amazing people as well as make some memories that will last a lifetime.
I would like to thank my former teacher Ms.Ramirez, Ms. Mejia, Mrs.Cecilia, and Ms. Raquel.
My favorite memory from ASU Prep will be the volunteer opportunities.
People I’d like to thank will be my friends, teachers, and as well my parents.
My favorite memory is at the end of the year every year the fun things the school does to make it fun.
The staff and people who have supported.
Senior year NHS
My mom, dad, and Olivia; you’ve done more for me than you’ll ever know
Playing two touch outside.
Sean Kim, Logan Marc, my Mom & Dad, Anthony Huang.
Online classes were pretty fun.
I’d like to thank my friends.
Winning November Student of the Month for 2022.
I would like to thank my mom, all of my teachers, my friends back home and here in Casa Grande, and all of my coaches who have helped me throughout my journey here.
I don’t have one yet.
Mom and dad.
Coming back into school after doing online due to COVID.
My mom and dad, Mrs. Flores, Mrs Cecilia, and Ms. Douglas.
My favorite memory of ASU is graduating.
Id like to thank my parents and family for keeping me on the right path and fighting for my future.
As cliche as it sounds, hanging out with my friends.
Garion Patrick, Treyu Patrick, and Ax Moberly.
I love the friendly environment which something that I haven’t experienced in a long time.
I would like to thank Ms. Flores, Ms. Glazier, Mr. Cunningham, Ms. Mejia and all of my friends and classmates that have helped me during my junior and senior year here at ASU Prep.
The Staff always helping me.
The principle.
Watching the World Cup.
My parents.
Going outside during breaks to play basketball.
My family, My teachers, my coaches and my friends.
Getting to play a leadership role in organizing events for the school.
My mom, dad, grandparents, nanny, and brothers.
Going out to play basketball with my friends after class.
My family, friends, teachers, coaches, and myself.
My favorite memory is Freshman year when Ms Mejia kissed the goat during field day.
I would thank all my family, friends, coaches, and teachers for pushing me to be the best person I can be.
Going to Mrs.Glaciers class in senior seminar.
Id like to thank my mom.