ASU Prep Digital

There are too many positive memories to pick just one. I’ve enjoyed getting to know my teachers and receiving such wonderful support, not only for my classes but for my dance goals and dreams! I will forever cherish the time, energy, and support shown towards me!
I would like to thank my LSC, Jessica Grant, all of my ASUPREPDIGITAL teachers, and my mom and dad! Jessica was very accessible, always supportive, positive, and encouraging! My parents have always believed in me and help me to be my best self!

My favorite memory from ASU Prep was doing the FMSC with other ASUPD participants and getting to know them through helping others.
I would like to thank Shawna Thue for all her help during my time at ASUPD and making all this possible. The encouragement and support of my parents has also been very important to me as I continued my journey at ASUPD.
My favorite memory is from my 11th grade year when I got to meet fellow ASU Prep students at an event at Skateland. As an ASU Prep Digital student, it was nice to be able to meet people in person, I had a really fun time.
I would like to thank my teachers, my LSC, and my parents for being so patient and believing in me even amidst all of my procrastination.
How the school accommodated me after I moved from Canada.
My counselor Molly Romano and all my teachers who helped me along the way.
My favorite memory from ASU Prep is when my second LSC told me that I am amazing for being on top of my work.
My parents, teachers and LSC’s for always being patient, and pushing me.
The trip to Belize was amazing!
I would like to thank my favorite teacher, Ms. Gauna, my Learning Success Coaches, and my family for all of their support.
My favorite memory at ASU Prep Digital is learning about finances for my future.
Thank you to my parents, Sawyer, and Josiah for always believing in me and are always there for me.
My favorite memory is surviving accelerated Precalculus with an A. It really challenged me, but I pulled through in the end!
I’d like to thank my parents and my Learning Success Coach Mrs. Patrum; they’ve inspired me to do my best from day one and have been there every step of the way.
All the good conversations that I’ve had with my LSC, Lizbeth Rodriguez.
I would like to thank my parents; they were my main support during my journey at ASUPD. I would also like to thank my LSC, Mrs. Rodriguez, and all the amazing teachers I’ve had this past year and a half. You’ll always be in my heart.
Being able to get ahead and take extra classes.
My parents and siblings for always encouraging me to do better. I would also like to thank the North Mountain Ward youth for being a positive influence and for the great friendship.
Winning second place at MCC’s Model UN conference and getting accepted to QuestBridge.
I would like to thank Mr. Jaeger and Ms. Sweat for helping me with my college application. Additionally, I would like to thank Ms. Nguyen for her unwavering support and encouragement. I cannot begin to describe how thankful I am for these three outstanding teachers.
Being able to connect with teachers and fellow peers.
I’d like to thank my parents and little brother for their endless support and my best friends for their encouragement. I’d also like to thank My Lord and Savior for giving me the strength to persevere.
Meeting classmates from all over.
My family and teachers.
One of the highlights of my time at ASU Prep was undoubtedly the dynamic and engaging English class I had the privilege to be a part of.
I would like to thank, Mr. Henry, your guidance and support were the pillars of my academic journey. Your mentorship not only helped me navigate challenges but also empowered me to set ambitious goals and achieve them. Your belief in my potential ignited a drive within me to strive for excellence, and for that, I am truly grateful. To all my esteemed teachers, your passion for education and commitment to nurturing young minds have left an indelible mark on my heart. Each lesson, discussion, and assignment was a stepping stone in my learning journey, thanks to your unwavering dedication and expertise. To my parents, your boundless love, encouragement, and unwavering support have been my guiding light. Your belief in my abilities and relentless push to excel have shaped me into the person I am today. I am endlessly grateful for the sacrifices you’ve made and the values you’ve instilled in me.
The hybrid learning film projects and my classmates.
My teachers, Molly Romano and my family.
My favorite memories from ASU Prep consist of all the awesome times I got to spend with my peers, both in classes and club meetings.
First, I thank and praise the Lord Jesus for His blessing upon my time in high school. I’d also like to thank my parents, friends, and teachers for supporting me and keeping me sane throughout my high school journey!
One of my most cherished experiences at ASU Prep was engaging with my teachers and classmates during live Zoom lessons!
I’m grateful to all my teachers from my freshman to senior years for their unwavering support.
I really enjoyed getting to know people as well as my LSCs. I also loved the college courses I was able to participate in.
I’d like to thank my mom and dad especially because they have supported me every step of the way. I would also like to thank my teachers and LSC for all the help they have given me.
The fun live lessons and getting to engage with so many different people.
My amazing family and teachers like Mrs. Lopez. I especially would like to thank my mom. Thank you for pushing me to do my best!
Feeling supported by the teachers and seeing my grades lift back to As and Bs.
Ms. Horlick, my ASL teacher.
Passing geometry.
I’d like to thank my family for encouraging me through my high school experience.
The support from my LSC, Shawna Thue, in my journey to graduate early. Shawna went above and beyond with making a plan and helping me carry it through. My teachers were all amazing as well.
Shawna Thue, Señora Burnside, Mrs. Nickel, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Stiller.
My favorite memory is my first year attending and the experience itself.
My LSC Mrs.Grant.
Family, friends and instructors.
Doing a virtual science project to send astronauts into space.
Mrs. Rodriguez and all my teachers.
My favorite memory is how the teachers and LSC always made sure I was doing ok and helped to guide me and keep me on course, especially after we figured out my last school had messed my credits up.
I’d like to thank my teachers. I’d especially like to thank my Spanish teacher Ms. Riley and my LSC Ms. Grant for always checking on how I’m doing in both school and life and reaching out when I was sick and just genuinely caring for me. I also want to thank my grandma and pop for helping me stay on track and being there for me; and last but not least, I’d like to thank my mom Nicole, and my sisters Kaitlyn & Emmalie, for keeping me laughing so I wouldn’t stress out because I put so much pressure on myself with school; for helping me to get through literally everything; for keeping me motivated and inspired; and for helping me realize all of my accomplishments and see that I should be proud of myself. I love you all.
Going to ASU Prep+ and working on my projects!
My family & friends!
My favorite memory from ASU Prep Digital is the DBA’s. The DBA’s didn’t feel like an assignment to me. It allowed me to further connect and talk to my teachers.
I’d like to thank my family, especially my mom. She has never stopped supporting me in everything I do. I’m the person I am today because of her.
My favorite memory is shooting our final project this year. I got to perform with my peers and showcase our work for my senior year. It meant a lot to be able to connect with everyone through art and I’ll carry the feeling with me for a long time!
I’d like to thank my parents and my peers for creating a community where I felt joy through learning and growing!
Being proud of myself, I went from being in a public High School not understanding much in my classes, failing everything, to now having teachers that care and would always be there cheering me to get the best grades possible.
Shelby Jupiter, she has been my rock. She was always there when I needed anything.
Connecting and building relationships with my amazing teachers and the opportunities that I have been able to experience throughout high school.
I am extremely thankful for my family and all of their unconditional love and support. Thank you to all of the teachers who have supported me and put in the effort to be a part of my high school journey. I am also thankful for my research mentors throughout my various internship opportunities and for the lifelong lessons they have given me.
Attending the in person architecture class at the ASU Tempe campus.
I would like to thank my parents, siblings, teachers, and coaches.
Getting to be a part of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion movement alongside staff and other students.
My parents and siblings, but most importantly my LSC Mrs. Amy Rice-Almonte for being the most supportive person all four years here. I would not have made it this far without her.
Favorite memory was when I was interviewed by Fox News at the West Campus.
I am grateful for the unwavering support of all my teachers and staff in nurturing my growth as both an actor and a student.
Live lessons and engaging with my peers!
My family, friends, and teachers who have supported me this year!
My favorite memory from ASU Prep was taking Honors Anatomy and Physiology A and B. Learning about the organ systems, especially the gastrointestinal system, was incredibly fascinating and enjoyable. Additionally, I loved the assignments in this class, because I got to delve deep into human anatomy and physiology.
I would like to thank my LSC (Lizbeth Rodriguez) for supporting me in my high school and concurrent college courses, my parents for supporting me in exploring my interests and achieving my goals, my brother for studying math with me, and myself for putting in the hard work and effort to succeed.
Personalized attention and the support from all my teachers; the live lessons and the laughter when teachers or my fellow classmates made funny remarks; group discussions during the live lessons because of how much we bonded together, laughed together and still got all our tasks completed.
My learning success coaches, Ms. Faber and Mrs. Parsons, and ASU Prep Digital principal and vice principal and my parents for always being there for me.
One of my fondest memories from ASU Prep was working with the Global Exchange Club to plan events. It was an incredible opportunity to learn about different cultures, stories, and traditions from my friends, as well as share my own experiences with them.
I am grateful to my mother for her unwavering support and guidance throughout my entire academic journey. Her encouragement has helped me become the best version of myself. I would also like to express my gratitude to my LSC, Lizbeth Rodriguez, for always being there for me when I needed her most during these four years. Additionally, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to teachers such as Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Choate, and Mrs. Gauna for their unwavering support and inspiration that has helped me on my educational journey. As I venture out into the world, I will always remember these times thank you.
Being able to find a place I can belong.
My Teacher at the Mix Center Mr. Scott.
Attending the Student Ambassadors Club meetings.
I would like to thank my mom, Mrs. Patrum (LSC) and all my subject teachers at ASUPD.
My plans after high school conversation with Mr. Henry last year. He was so supportive and informative. It was the first time that I shared my vision of the future outside of my family and it was a seminal moment.
Ms. Houchins and Mr. Henry.
Meeting my ASL teacher, Mrs. Horlick in person at an ASL social. It was a lot of fun and it encouraged me to continue learning ASL.
I would like to thank my parents, my LSC Mr. Romey, and my friends for their unwavering support. Thank you!
Reconnecting with someone I went to elementary school with.
My mom for switching me to ASU Prep for my Jr .and Sr. years.
My favorite memory from ASU prep was telling my LSC that I got into my top college, and seeing the excitement on her face.
I would like to thank my LSC Mrs. H for always supporting more through tough times, and my family for always believing in me.
Talking with teachers during DBAs.
I’d like to thank Ms. Jean, my English 12B teacher.
One of my most favorable memories was being able to engage with my LSC and classmates during homeroom.
I would like to thank my parents for always being there for me. I also would like to thank my LSC and teachers for supporting me throughout the year.
South Phoenix Middle & High School
Talking to my classmates and teachers about their weekend, and their plans for the future.
My Mother, My Father, My Sister, Ms. Fernandez, Ms. Mills, Mr. Sepe, Mr. Torres, Ms. Cortesi, and the rest of the amazing teachers and staff at ASU Prep.
I faked sick to play a video game on release the same day I got elected vice president which was also the same day Queen Elizabeth died.
My Friends. My mom. My little brother. My wonderful teachers. Mrs. Fernandez. Dr. Gibbs. Miss Jenny. Myself.
Lunchtime eating chips.
Poly STEM High School
English class with Andrew, Joey, Kaleb, and Blake.
My mom and grandma for always motivating me to do better.
Taking Chemistry from Mr. Delikat my freshman year. He is very funny and made the class bearable! LOL.
My mom and my sister.
Prom was very fun!
I would like to thank my Mom, Dad, and Sister.
I don’t have just one favorite memory from being at asu prep but I truly love being able to talk to everyone and make friends in whatever class I’m in because everyone is so friendly.
My parents, teammates, my teachers, & my boyfriend.