Arizona Tax Credit Contributions

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Arizona state law enables you to receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of up to $400 (if married filing jointly) when you donate to ASU Preparatory Academy schools by April 15. Your support directly impacts ASU Preparatory Academy’s K-12 Sun Devils! Donate today to make a difference in the lives of our students. Click Here to Make a Donation

Dreamscape Learn Work Experience – Level up with next-generation learning

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Students, want to gain experience working with people and technology? You can, through Dreamscape Learn (DSL) Work Experience. This collaborative venture between Dreamscape Immersive and ASU merges advanced experiential teaching with the entertainment industry’s best cinematic storytelling. Students can work four consecutive hours in person at the ASU Tempe Campus. Schedules are limited. Learn more 

ASU Preparatory Academy South Phoenix Art Inspires Students

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ASU Preparatory Academy South Phoenix students returned from fall break to find some unexpected inspiration on campus—new artistic murals of diverse and notable figures. The murals include Maya Angelou, Dolores Huerta, Frida Kahlo, Nelson Mandela, and Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Principal Patrick Gibbs said they installed the beautiful art celebrating different cultures because, “we really wanted to build something positive, uplifting, and something the students can relate to.”

The 220 students at the South Phoenix high school campus come from various backgrounds as well. The murals and messages provide a way to express the beauty and uniqueness of their culture.  

Mahkaylah Hopkins, student body president, said: “I honestly think that the murals are going to do a great job with promoting diversity and letting people know it’s okay to be different, no matter who you are, your background, or where you come from.”

Watch Fox 10 News Report LINK

Welcome Michael Hernandez

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7-12 Principal at ASU Prep Phoenix 

ASU Preparatory Academy is pleased to welcome Michael Hernandez to the team. Hernandez began his career in the United States Marine Corps, where he served with focus and purpose for nine years. While his educational journey did not start until 2004, Hernandez found a similar mission, finding individual purpose in a collective cause. He is passionate about working together to ensure a safe, challenging, and innovative learning experience.

“I have been fortunate to have had so many mentors and role models along the way,” said Hernandez. As Principal, he stands ready to maintain the high standards of student safety and conduct, and will assume responsibility for the management and operation of the school.

Hernandez is currently working to complete his PhD with the University of Arizona.

In his spare time away from work and school, he enjoys spending time with his two daughters. Swimming, watching movies, being creative, laughing, and going on road trips are among their favorite pastimes.   

Principal Michael Hernandez can be reached at: