Our Mission
Our mission is to design new models for educational success and raise academic achievement for all learners. At ASU Prep that means personalizing project-based learning to help students gain valuable critical thinking skills.
A tuition-free, PreK–12 public charter school offering personalized paths to college and career success.
Lease renewal updates and future plans for ASU Prep Phoenix.
Learn how you can support ASU's plan for a long-term solution at the downtown K–12 campus.
Join us for a fun-filled evening to celebrate 16 years of ASU Prep Downtown Phoenix campus and the start of spring!
Our mission is to design new models for educational success and raise academic achievement for all learners. At ASU Prep that means personalizing project-based learning to help students gain valuable critical thinking skills.
Stay up-to-date on all of the latest happenings at ASU Prep Phoenix Elementary!
For three years, high school junior Mays Alqasemy has thrived at ASU Preparatory Academy Phoenix. By May 2025, she will graduate ahead of schedule,…
Sun Devil Generations is a family friendly program designed for young Devils from birth to sixth grade. This is an opportunity to enjoy unique and memorable experiences while also cementing a lifelong relationship between the little Sun Devils in your life and your alma mater. Sun Devil Generations events take place throughout the year. Annual membership is just $20 per year per child, and is active for a full year from the initial enrollment date. Membership is not required to attend events, however, Generations members receive free or discounted pricing to Sun Devil Generations events. All members receive a welcome packet containing a letter from Sparky, membership certificate and welcome gift.
As this is a program for ASU alums of all ages, we thought it might be a good fit for ASU Prep to promote. However, we understand not all of your families are ASU affiliated.
Upcoming events include:
• February 17: President's Day (no school)
• March 6-7: Individual Learning Plan (ILP Conferences)
• March 10-14: Spring Break
ASU Prep Phoenix's Second Annual Spring Fling event was a free family-friendly neighborhood event that celebrated the multiculturalism of our community through food, dance and entertainment! Visit our ASU Prep YouTube to see a video recap.
The Affordable Connectivity Program is a Federal Communications Commission Benefit Program.
• WIC, SNAP, or Medicaid families may qualify.
• Families of students who receive free school breakfast or lunch, including through the community eligibility provision, qualify.
• Discount for Internet service
We want to hear about your ASU Prep experience—favorite classes, teachers, school projects, fun things you're learning, and more. Your responses may be featured in our ASU Prep blog. Please click the button below to access the survey and tell us your thoughts. Thank you in advance for your time, and Go Sun Devils!
Helping students succeed is our passion.
It’s why our approach is more personalized, project-based, and tailored to meet the needs of individual students in diverse communities across Arizona. It’s how we’re removing barriers and helping students pursue their passions, achieve their goals, and build a lifelong love of learning.
Our goal is that each ASU Prep student will graduate with a minimum of 12 ASU college credits at no cost to our families. We offer every student the chance to take university or concurrent courses while in high school, saving them time and money when they get to college.
ASU Preparatory Academy is an innovative public charter school network, serving more than 7,000 full-time students from Pre-K to grade 12. We offer a variety of models, ranging from fully immersive in-person learning to full-time digital programs.